How to Defrost Frozen Abalone

For best results, only use the recommended defrosting methods on AUSAB frozen abalone. Slowly thawing the abalone will ensure it retains its delicate texture.

The video below provides advice on the preferred defrosting method, which is thawing for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

How to Defrost Frozen Whole in Shell Abalone

Defrosting Instructions

Only use recommended defrosting methods (see A and B below) on AUSAB frozen abalone. Thawing in HOT, WARM OR AMBIENT WATER OR IN A MICROWAVE may lead to tissue damage (meat structure breakdown). Do not cook the frozen abalone or abalone not completely defrosted.

A) Slow Thaw - Refrigerator Defrosting: (Best for all Cooking Methods)

Remove frozen abalone from the box and bag. Place frozen abalone with shell down on trays in the refrigerator. Defrost abalone in the refrigerator (set at 2°C to 6°C / 35°F to 43°F) for approximately 24 hours until the abalone is completely defrosted and the abalone’s core temperature is the same temperature as the refrigerator.

B) Fast Thaw - Iced Water Defrosting - (Not suitable for boiling the Abalone)

Mix 10 liters (2.64 gallons) cold water, 1kg (2.2046lbs) of ice cubes and 350 grams (~12.34oz) of salt, until the water is < 3°C (37°F) and salt is dissolved. The ratio can be altered for smaller quantities - (10:1:0.350). Remove frozen abalone from plastic bag and place into icy water shell side down in a single layer for 4.5 hours, stir the water regularly. Add extra ice as required to maintain water temperature at less than 3°C (37°F) for full 4.5 hours.


Cook and/or consume immediately after defrosting and remove any shell fragments before consumption.

Cooking Advice:

Our abalone has delicate flesh and we suggest cooking at a temperature of 70°C / 148°F. Excessive cooking time and temperature can lead to meat shrinkage, especially when cooking our smaller abalone (less than 71 g / 2.5 oz).